martes, 2 de julio de 2013

Health Policy Snapshot Answers

What makes your school a healthy place to be?

A healthy place for a school can be playing sports daily, eating good food in the breaks and at lunch, and socializing with your class, teamates, and other people.

  What is happening in your school that may be unhealthy? Provide examples
What can happend is that the students don´t eat well because they like to eat junk food, their family eats badly, or the lunch at the cafeteria or at the kiiosko, it can happend that they don´t play sports, they don´t make sports a daily-life activity, or they don´t have the resources to play sports.
  What could be worked on to make your school a healthier place? Outline solutions
We can make the cafeteria serve better and healthier food, make the students play sports, and do social, fisical, and mental activities for the students.
How are eating habits in American schools?Review the information in the graph.
They are not good, because junk food is available at schools, which is leaded to obesity. 40 percent of the students eat one or more snacks at school, and 68 percent drink a sugar drink. 
 What kind of students has the worst eating habits, elementary, middle or high? Why?
At elementary school, the worst eating habit is eating sweet, salty, and high fat snacks. And at middle and high school, the worst eating habit is drinking sugar-sweetened beverages.
What is your opinion about junk food restriction policies at schools of the U.S.?
I think that the USDA did a great job by restricting the students eating junk food that is not good for us. I think that they are a great example for our country and that they did a good choice by making the future generations healthy.
Would you agree or disagree with a similar policy at your school?
I would agree, because we have to be a school of excellence and we have to be in good shape because we have to play our sports well and we will be happier with our body.

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