martes, 10 de junio de 2014

The Victims of Bloody Sunday: Report

30th of January, 1972. One of the most famous and terrible tragedies of all time. The Bloody Sunday. Although we all now the victims that have died for no reason (wars, country revolutions, civil wars, and more all over the world), this was one of the worse. Why? Because of what was happening in that time in Europe. The people where fighting for the rights that they deserved that the government didn't give them. That day there was a civil rights march in Londonderry, Northern Ireland. That day, that historic day, the soldiers from the British Parachute Regiment opened fire and killed 13 people. Another man died 5 months later. This report is about the victims but in a different approach. In the approach we talk about who were this people and how it affected in their personal lifes.

Some people where more affected economically than others, but there is no difference if any of a family member dies in the emotionally way. For example, Gerard McKinney (In my opinion one of the most confusing kills in the Bloody Sunday, although every person that died was killed for no reason. In other words, without justification) . A father of 8 children that coached a junior football team and ran the city's Ritz rollerskating rink.  Killed by Soldier G at the Glenfada Park. Like the others, he was trying to make his way to safety. Witnesses told the Widgery Inquiry that he raised his arms and shouted "Don't shoot, don't shoot". Unfortunately, he was shot in the head. The worst thing about this, is that he left his children and his incoming son (which they named him after him) without somebody that supports them in the economically way.

There are many other examples about heroic and unfortunately losses in this tragedy. In my opinion this is my favorite report because it takes us deep down where the real story is hidden.

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